Wednesday 20 May 2020

Magic Potion

"No! Don't drink that!" screamed the woman.
But we both were too tired and thirsty to resist. She stared at the empty bottle and ran out. We looked at each other and realized that our skin and flesh had dissolved and only thick blood was visible. We felt trapped and miserable as we had lost our flexibility, our visibility as well as our speaking and listening capability. Our body looked like a statue of thickened blood.

I recalled the words of Guruji, "Statues have a leaden hearts. Enlighten the heart and bring life to the statue." But I couldn't understand which light Guruji was talking about. Oh, how could I miss that, it was nothing else than the true emotion. So I just needed to get all my emotions intact to reach within my own heart. At that very moment I recollected each and every moment that evoked any of the emotions of mine. The moment when I was selected as the saviour, the moment when I got my best partner, the moment when Guruji gifted me with his magic weapons, the moment when the weapons were stolen by the shrewd magician and all the other moments in which we met various sort of creatures in this strange magic land wandering for about a month without food or water.

My emotions worked and my leaden heart started to pump the blood, thus, liquidifying the solidified blood. After a little struggle I found my body intact again. Triveni, my soul mate was still in the form of that horrible statue. The magician had stolen my gifted weapons but not my knowledge and wisdom that I received from my Guruji. I had learnt from him how to reach into the mind of others. Though the body was senseless, the mind still was free for the thoughts. I reached into her thoughts and asked her to stay there as no one would hurt her and she could rest there till I return back after taking my weapons.She like a genuine partner wanted to come with me but I had to leave her there.

That magic potion I had had had drained my energy. I was too thirsty to think anything but where to get water in that unknown land. I knew water must be there but where it was that I had to find out.
A past incident striked, "Tanveer, increase the number of green trees to get pure water there!"
Yes, Guruji said to me this when I was going for my first expedition. So now, I had to search green trees. A few ants gave me the way and I followed them. I didn't have to walk much when I saw a fresh water pond. I couldn't believe my eyes. After so long I could see fresh water. Without a second thought I went there and quenched my thirst.
The same old lady who ran away after we drunk that magic potion was sitting near the pond. It looked as if she had lost everything and was just waiting for the death to come.

The old lady was coldly looking at the pond as if she had lost everything in that. I went near her. She was surprised to see me there and wanted to run away once again like before. I held her hand, hugged her and said, "Mother, please don't leave your son all alone. I don't know anyone on this strange land and found just you. My wife,Triveni is still there waiting for me. Please help me. How did you reach here? Why are you all alone here? Is there any way out from this strange land? Do you know anyone here?"

That lady might not have ever heard such sort of words in her whole life as her astonishment filled with motherly love could be seen on her face. She said, "No one can leave this place once one has entered here. It's the land of cruel magician 'Attila' who considers himself as the God of this land and wishes to conquer the whole world using his magic. But how are you still alive after having that potion? I've seen so many people dying after quenching their thirst from that potion. And how did you reach this place? Attila has created so many mirages here in which people either drown or they get dissolved."

Tanveer asked again, "Oh God! But mother who are you? Why are you all alone?"
She stated in her agonical tone, "I used to be the queen of this once beautiful and peaceful land. People knew me as Queen of Alicia. But no one must be there now who can recognise me. My whole family was abducted by the magician. He killed all my subjects and ruined my mother land." She cried bitterly after saying this.

Tanveer said, "Oh! So you are that magnificent Queen of Alicia who is known to live the life of all her subjects? My Guruji narrated your story once. My due respect for you gracious Queen. Don't worry, I'll make your motherland as enchanting as it had been. I'm Tanveer from Danxia."

"Tanveer! The Saviour Tanveer! Are you the same Tanveer who has been trained by Guruji Girisha?" the lady enquired with a little relief.
"Yes mother, I'm the one who could get the blessings and trainings from Guruji. Whatever I'm that's just because of Guruji. Guruji had given me his magical weapons before going for salvation and had warned me to be alert in taking care of them. He said if those weapons are used for any destructive purpose they will lose their charm and chastity. But we were cheated by the magician Attila who came to our gurukul as an imposter. He was disguised as a youth who wanted to learn archery from me. He behaved as such a dedicated student that I started to believe him blindly. One day he said that Guruji came in his dream and has asked him to have a look at his golden magical weapons.I believed that fake dream and showed him the weapons. As soon as he reached near the weapons, he came to his real feature and disappeared with the weapons. At the same moment a black cloud imprisoned me and as it was taking me away my beloved wife tried to pull me out but unfortunately she couldn't help me encaging herself as well. That cloud took us to this strange land. We have been wandering here for about a month. With the teachings and blessings of Guruji I was able to fight all the weird, half burnt, bloody and blood thirsty creatures. We were very tired and thirsty when we saw you. We knew that you might help us in showing us the way, but that potion..... Oh! What it was?" Tanveer asked the queen.

The Queen uttered, "It was not for you. Why did you take it from me? I was taking it to my palace to use it on Vishnipi, our loyal dragon. The magician has turned him into a greasy fluid. That potion could have recovered him but you.... "
She continued, "Come with me, I'll show you what Attila has done." She took him inside the pond. They walked over the pond. On the middle there was a huge lotus flower, she pushed one petal of the flower which paved them a way to the palace lying inside the pond. As they walked in Tanveer could see many skeletons and dead bodies lying here and there. It was stinking. He could listen to various cries and shrieks from all around.

The Queen was leading Tanveer to the heart of the palace where she could tell the whole story. Despite all the horrible sights and shrieks Tanveer followed her. He wanted to ask something but she signalled her to be quiet. She whispered something in Tanveer's ear and took him to the door beyond which profound darkness existed. On the right jamb of the door there was a flambeau in which they had to leave all their good deeds and thoughts before entering into the dark world.
Tanveer did as he was asked. He left all his good works there in the flambeau of the queen and walked hundred steps in the darkness. That dark room was the safe of the magician where he hid his magic potions. If anyone would enter in the room with the goodness it would be an alarm for the magician and he would be notified.
The queen has asked him not to stop for even a single second whatever might come on his way while she would be guarding the flambeau. He walked bravely and confidently over all the creepy creatures who caused him intense pain with their stings. After the hundredth step he could see a little source of light coming from his own heart which was the result of his brave determined intention. Through that light he could see various small glistening bottles inside a web like structure hanging there. He could clearly see that water like magic potion, which he had had a while ago. As per the instruction of the queen he made a deep cut in his wrist and let the blood ooze out. From his blood he wrote 'The new God: Attila' on his head, as a response of which all the bottles came into the hands of Tanveer. Now he had to move another hundred steps in a thoughtless state to come out of the room. Thank to the teachings of Guruji that he had learnt how to be in thoughtless state. He kept the little bottles carefully inside his mouth and started to walk. He had to just keep on walking without any thoughts in his mind, even a single thought would be enough to confine him in the darkness forever.
At the other end the queen was waiting for him. As soon as his toe was visible, the queen kept the burning flambeau at the next step of Tanveer. He came out of the thoughtless state when his good deeds touched his feet. He came out of that and took the burning fire to his forhead, thus, taking back his goodness.

The Queen said, "Though I was sure about your bravery somewhere in my heart I still was doubtful. I'm proud of you Tanveer and now I can share each and everything with you." She took him near a huge tree and asked him to sit there. She asked the tree to offer him a few juicy red fruits. She assured him that the place was safe as Attila could never come there. She took the magic potion from him and sprinkled it on some greasy fluid scattered near the thick roots of the tree, and then sat there. She said, "It will take a little time for Vishnipi to come back in his shape. I was scared that I might never get him back. Vishnipi and this enormous tree were the only one left from the cruel pangs of the magician. Vishnipi was the most favourite dragon of my daughter, Roselyn. He too loved her a lot. One day while Roselyn was riding on Vishnipi, the magician caught her. Vishnipi fought with that cruel magician to get her back but that cunning fellow hit him with such an arrow that he lost all his energy and fell like a lump here. Since then I have been trying to get him in shape. Being the queen of Alicia I know about all the magic potions and I also know that it's preserved by the Attila now. So with the help of one of my bravest soldier who had assisted me in every battle I tried to go for the potion. I went with him but as he was not as brave as you he was not able to come back. Somehow he threw one bottle of the magic potion to the direction where he had to move so that I could get it. With such a great difficulty I got the potion but both of you drank that. I knew the consequences so getting scared I ran away from there, and the rest is in front of you."

Tanveer interrupted, "I'm very sorry but we were so thirsty that without a second thought we took it from you and shared it among ourselves. I'm really very sorry. I'll.... "
The tree interrupted, "What! You had the potion and still you are alive? Who are you? Are you the disciple of Girisha baba?"
Tanveer said, "Oh yes my dear! I'm that lucky one. And I'm sure now that you are Darpvriksha, aren't you? The seed of which was sown by my guruji's grandfather. He told me about that. Now I can get why the fruits are so relishing that I never had had."
The tree said, "Oh! I feel it now. I can see it now. Attila will definitely see his end. I'm so delighted dear. I'm so glad you came to save us."

"I'll of course try my best dear. But at first I need to know where my Guruji's weapons have been hidden by that shaitan magician and then cure Triveni from the effect of that magic potion. She must be waiting for me, " said Tanveer
The tree was shocked, "What? You left someone with the effect of that potion. Didn't the queen tell you that if she isn't cured before the dusk you will never get her back."
Tanveer jumped up with this shock and turned to the queen. The queen looked at him and said, "What could I say him? At first he needs to get his weapon back and for that too he doesn't have enough time. After he gets it back then only he can take any further step."
Meanwhile the dragon was taking its shape. Tanveer had a ride on Dillu once when his guruji was training how to use his weapons in the air. Those weapons were not made up of any ordinary material. They were made from the intentions of all the pure souls, and they had the power to penetrate or explode any existing material without failure. But if it would be used for any destructive purpose for the personal gain it would ruin the whole world. Attila had some plans for which he had stolen them.

The Queen broke the silence, "Look! Vishnipi is alive now. You can go to Attila's cavern now with the help of him. I'm grateful to you for saving my daughter's brave friend's life. I allow him to accompany you in your battle against the evil. But before that you need to know a few things.
Don't look into the eyes of Attila, whatever he says or asks you. Once you get the weapons don't steal them as Attila had done but fight with all his senseless commanders there and win them with love than with your physical strength. You have to be quick and finish off everything before the sun sets.
Don't forget that the magician has many eyes, you need to use his eyes as yours. Take a few fruits with you and use them as your secret weapon in need.
Vishnipi is not just a friendly dragon, he can release fire as well when required. With that potion he must be strong enough to assist you.
No more questions or answers, you start your journey now. My best wishes will be there with you."

Darpvriksha gave Tanveer some fruits in a bag made up of its leaves and hugged him with his roots. He said, "I'll be waiting for you my dear! "

Tanveer didn't face much difficulty in collaborating with Vishnipi. Both of them were cautious as at any moment they could be attacked by the magical creatures of Attila. Vishnipi reached the place where he lost Roselyn. Tanveer too had a few faded memories of that place. He tried to recall how he could connect with that but failed in his attempts.
He looked at Vishnipi for help. Vishnipi too was thoughtful, tears were filled in his eyes. He was sorry as he couldn't help his lovely princess to come out of the grab of the weird wizard, Attila.
Shedding his tears he said, "My sweet Roselyn was born in a rose garden on the bed of rose petals, so she smells like roses. Her odour is the only way through which we can connect her."
Tanveer didn't have much time, he had to finish the whole episode before the sunset.
He closed his eyes and ears to concentrate on the various odours. He could connect to the rotten dead bodies, creepy crawly insects, stinking garbage, decaying blood thirsty bloody creatures but not to any of the sweet smell. Filled with frustration he opened his eyes instantly. He was not able to control his own senses. He had always seen the positive aspects of everything, then how come he could only sense the horrible sights, sounds or odours. There was something that he couldn't realize. Something was missing. He knew what it was but couldn't help himself. Soon he received a telepathic call from his beloved wife Triveni.
He connected himself with her. She asked him, "Where are you? I have been waiting for you for so long. I'm wandering here since you left. Though I'm not scared of any terrible sight, I'm worried about your whereabouts. I met Darpvriksha as well who told me that you have gone in search of Roselyn with Vishnipi. Did you find out any traces of her?"

Tanveer didn't know how to react. He was perplexed. He replied, 'Triveni! Oh! My brave lady! So, you came out of that bloody shield. I'm so happy for you. I was so stupid to even think that the one who has got the gift of power from the three worlds might need any help. Dear, I'm helpless without you. I need you to help my senses work appropriately. I couldn't get much information about the magician. I tried to reach him through Roselyn, but couldn't connect her. Where are you now? Can you tell about your surroundings?"

The next words of Triveni was what he wanted to listen at that moment. How could he forget that he was incomplete without his soul mate Triveni? How could he even think of fighting with Attila without her support?
Triveni messaged him, "I'm not much far away from you. You just need to take the soil from the ground where you are standing on your right palm and then blow it to your right. Just follow the direction of the particles, you will get me there."
Tanveer settled on Vishnipi after blowing the soil from his palm. As they were following the soil, a petal of rose fell on the horn of Vishnipi. But then the attention of Tanveer was the soil particle that he was following. He didn't want to lose his concentration and kept on moving in the shown direction.

The petal flew a little higher turned into a thorn. Before it would hit into the eyes of Tanveer, he caught it on a leaf of Darpvriksha, and stored it in the green bag. Triveni was not so far now, he could see her standing ahead. Tall like a pillar, dark in colour, with coffee coloured hair and big round eyes, she was calling the wind to her. She was not less than Tanveer in intelligence or strength and had always given him a tough competition. She was not known for her beauty but for her passion and devotion. Guruji had adopted her and brought her up as his loving daughter. When she grew up as a young lady he married her to his best disciple, Tanveer.
Only few meters were there to cover. As Tanveer jumped from Vishnipi to walk towards Triveni, the same black cloud appeared there which had taken them to this strange land.

This time both of them were already prepared, both of them laid down on the ground and slided to hold the hands of each other. With their full force they broke the cloud into pieces as if it was a bubble.
Now they could concentrate better and located the peculiar odour of roses. They followed that sweet smell and finally reached at the boundry of Attila's territory.
It was known to them that they were getting into the strange danger zone where the fierce soldiers of the magician would be waiting for them, even though the magician would be in slumber at that moment. This battle could never be won through strength. Attila had played his part and now they had to use their chance.
They were welcomed by buzzing bees, whose buzz was enough to deafen anyone. Vishnipi swallowed all of them in one go. For a few moments, they observed the whole domain and then came up with a plan. Triveni would go to Roselyn, Vishnipi would keep an eye on the whole location while Tanveer would go for the weapons.

Tanveer easily got inside the main chamber with the help of the thorn that he had caught in the leaf. He used one of the eyes of the magician as his eyes. There lied the weapons of his Guruji. He bowed down with respect for the weapons. Now he had to get the attention of the guards. As asked by the queen he didn't have to fight but win the heart of the guards. He took out the bag given by Darpvriksha, arranged the leaves in a row and kept the red juicy fruits on every leaf.
He offered them to the guards. The ferocious guards jumped all together to him. Tanveer didn't pay much attention to their attempt and sat placidly. He started to narrate an incident to them, " Ok! I won't fight with you. You can hit me if you wish. But before that listen to one story. It's not any old story from history. A few years ago a young boy lost his way and came from Danxia to Alicia. There he got terrific soldiers and got scared of them. Looking at the fear on the face of such a young boy, one of the soldiers took him on his soldier and showed him the beauty all around. After making the boy comfortable the tender hearted vigorous soldiers of Alicia gave him a few lessons. Do you know that young boy has become an adult today and is sitting with you? And I too have not forgetten that you were my guide.
Do you remember how much you played with me when I came here? You only taught me how to be stable, you taught me how to fight for the rights, you taught me how to show respect and be ready to sacrifice your love for the ones you love. You only made me understand that this life is futile so I need to use it wisely. I believed in your words and devoted my whole life to serve others. I was able to be the best disciple because of your lessons. Now did you really forget all those things that you had taught me? How can you forget that this futile life has got a purpose and we can't waste it for a demon like the magician? I know that you are scared of him and that's the reason you are blindly following him. But my dear friends, what's the use of this life when you can't even sacrifice it for the beauty of your nativeland? Think once and take your decision. I won't come in your way."

Listening to this all the soldiers broke the magical safe of the magical weapons. Tanveer got his weapons back, but he didn't need that to fight with the cruel magician. His own built body was enough for that destructive mind.
The sun had disappeared by then and it was all dark. Meanwhile Triveni came with Roselyn.
Roselyn too had a superpower. She could enter into the heart of any individual along with the air inhaled, thus, controlling over the intentions of that person. But her power too had some limitations. If the person would develop the feeling of love for her, she couldn't control that heart. That's the reason she didn't have any control on the magician. Attila was in love with Roselyn and wanted to marry her. That's the reason he killed all the males of Alicia who ever thought of courting Roselyn. The queen didn't approve for this relation, so he ruined her whole pure land and captivated the palace. She planned to send Roselyn to Danxia with Vishnipi but on her way Attila abducted her. None of the soldiers support the queen anymore because if they helped her Attila gave them horrible deaths. His strange magic potions could do anything.
He had stolen the magical weapons from Tanveer to nourish his magic potions with the blood of all the pure souls. He dreamt of becoming the superpower.

The moment Roselyn saw Tanveer, she fell in love with that sturdy enchanting fellow. His blue eye balls were enough to steal the heart of any lady. He was a tall well built man with an enchanting smile on his face. And above all, he was really the saviour of her nativeland. She had heard a lot about him, but when he was in front of her she couldn't control herself from falling in love with him.
She looked filled with disgust at Triveni who was a dark lady and made up her mind to possess Tanveer forever. She whispered, "You are mine dear! I won't let you go with anyone. You are mine! Just mine!"
No one paid attention to her because of an earthquake that arrived there. It was the sign of the arrival of angry Attila.

Attila was standing in front of them. Though the guards were scared, they didn't run away this time as they wanted to face the disaster. Attila looked at them and said, "What did you think, that you will cheat your master and you can leave quietly? I won't leave you scoundrels! But let me first finish this stupid fellow, who entered into my territory without my permission."

Tanveer said, "What? Whose life means cheating is asking others why have they cheated him? Relax my dear friend. I don't have any enemity with you. I don't wish to fight with you but wish that you too should not hurt anyone. Forget everything and let's be friends to serve our native land. "

Attila roared and with his red burning eyes he said, "How dare you think that I'll listen to you! I'll be a friend of an orphan like you? What do you think, just because that old man said that you are the saviour, you became the saviour? You are nothing in front if me. I'll show you that now. I will end you now at this moment." Saying this he diffused sparkling tears from his eyes to burn Tanveer.
Tanveer soon recalled the words of the queen and closed his eyes. He knew that now he has to do everything in dark. He asked Triveni to help him locate the things with her eyes when required using telepathy.
He asked Roselyn to go to the queen with Vishnipi. She denied stating that, "How can I leave you alone here? I'll be there till my last breath with you. If Triveni wants she can leave."
Tanveer couldn't see the intentions of Roselyn with his closed eyes. Triveni became the eyes for him and helped him to play defensive with all the actions of Attila. Attila was tired with using all his power to defy Tanveer. He was shocked to see, how he was not able to hurt that weaponless young fellow.
With that frustrated mind he grabbed Triveni holding her hair and was going to burn her long black hair. Roselyn was delighted with this act of the magician. She herself wanted to do that. But her friend Vishnipi came on her way.
Vishnipi asked Triveni to fight with the magician. She could fight him using her brilliant balancing skill. She was dark, she was not so beautiful but far more skillful than any other female there.
The magician surrendered and joined his hands to her to forgive him. Triveni asked him to use his magic potions to cure the pain of others, not to cause pain to anyone. Attila accepted this. He asked her with genuine curiosity, "Triveni, who are you? How did you get such powers? I see that you are the most powerful and skillful person among the people that I've met till date."

Triveni said, "I'm the daughter of the Queen of Alicia. My mother has gifted me to the guruji to train me as the help to the saviour. I too didn't know about this before the Darpvriksha told me about this. The Queen wanted me to understand the common life to serve the nation."
Roselyn was also surprised to listen to this as she never got any hint of this secret. Soon her heart felt with sisterly love and she hated herself for such nasty thoughts for such a gorgeous lady. She went to her and hugged her filled with tears.

Anupam Mishra

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