Wednesday 20 May 2020

Do the appearances need to be presentable?


Do I look beautiful? Do the people notice me? Am I worth the admiration? Do I really need to look good?

I too have been with such sort of questions at many occasions in the past. Hey, don't consider this as something feministic as males to have such sort of questions and they too care a lot for their physical looks. Okay, so let's come out of the gender here and let's concentrate on the question, "Do the physical looks really matter so much?"

Yes, they do. I will try to prove my point and you are free to question my explanation if you have contradictory arguments.
Ideally everyone should be identified through one's character than the dress, but if we be practical it's not the way it happens in front of us. Frankly speaking I've not met any of a person in my life who doesn't give importance to the dress or dress sense. A few show it openly while the other keep on pretending that they are okay with whatever they look and they don't need to impress the people through their physical being.

Why do people need to comb looking at the mirror? Why does one check whether the colour or dress fits or suits or not? It's just to check whether one looks presentable or not. And is there anyone who doesn't feel good when complemented fir the looks by the near and dear ones? I feel it's the right of every individual to feel blessed with such complements by their most loved persons in their live. But yes that looks uncomfortable or like a burden when it comes from the stranger or crooked people.

Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. Right it is. We have seen many girls who have been accepted by their loved ones even after getting their face ruined due to burns or any other accidents. But do you really think that they need to expose their burns to the beloved people? There are many ways to heal them or conceal them to look presentable. And we have many role models today who defied the tag of burnt face by presenting themselves with the make up of full confidence and extraordinary smile becoming the inspiration for other depressed and disheartened ones.

Again I'm not in favour of any ornaments or make up materials but just to be happy and contented with our looks. Yes, we don't need someone else to remind us that how we look, but tell me honestly, don't you ever smile at your good looks in the mirror??
I didn't use to do that in the past but since I realised that how my look matters and how it brings a specific kind of aura around me I too started to groom and admire myself.

In the past (decades ago, as for a decade I follow this) I never cared how I looked or what people thought about my looks. But gradually I shifted to this mindset where I believe that looks are really really important and essential when you are out of your comfort zone, either in school, colleges, offices or any public place. As you are not just you but representing the identity that you really are.

Similar uniform of the students represent that each and ever student is to be treated the same despite their differences. Many offices and schools have this for their employees too. So presenting ourselves also mean to have organised gestures, and serenity on the face.

The institute where I'm working is the India's best coaching institute, which is giving the best results every year. No no, don't consider me as the contributor of its success. I don't stand anywhere on those grounds. Teachers like me are just nothing, as only science and maths teachers can give the toppers in IIT or NEET, we language teachers are mere dummy teachers nothing else.
We have two uniforms, one with a jacket and the other with a beige coloured duppatta, where in the former we look like a D Mart employee, in the latter we are confuged for a road cleaner. People identify ourselves with what we wear. However poor a person may be but if he wears suit, he is to be judged as a rich fellow. Again you can say that we don't need to prove others that what we are, let the people be judgemental. But dear, when we are out we are not just with our own mindset or rules but with the rules of the society and we need to follow them,whether we want or not.
No one is going to punish you on road for whatever you have worn or how dressed is your hair, but once you are allotted with some job, you are under observance. This is the reason, at many work places their are norms for proper dressing.

Every colour or dress gives you a new identity. I see the difference myself when I look into the mirror in different attire. Every outfit has its own significance. Like sitting in a pooja in jeans instead of a traditional dress looks absurd, similarly going for a fun filled party with friends in saree will not be less than a joke. So I think it's very important to understand the requirement of every occasion.
Being honest I can confess here that I've always been a carefree lady in my life, who never tried to check how she looked. But today I've changed a lot. I groom myself and then when I look into the mirror, I admire myself, I feel more confident. It's not my colour or beauty, it's the charm that is brought through grooming and that's the requirement for any of the presentation.

From my personal experience, people are more attentive when I am presentable. And the same goes with my attention. Most of the time either on the social media or in general I too check with the physical appearance only as we can't get into the depth in just one go. And that's the initial process of filtering.


Your thoughts might be different, I welcome you with the counter arguments.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฅฐ

An old post from mirakee.

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