Wednesday 20 May 2020

Love yourself

Dear broken hearts,

At first please remember no one else than you yourself can break your heart into as many pieces as you wish.
Everything is within. Our source of happiness, our agonies, our pain, our sufferings, our contentment or our peace. We just relate our internal emotions with some external factors. There is no harm until we know how much control of our emotions we have given to the ones other than ourselves.

So, when someone whom you love the most, whom you care a lot and that person leaves you, why do you need to cry your heart out for whom you actually meant nothing?
The logic here is simple. The one for whom you don't mean anything, what's the purpose of shedding your tears for the one that is not real at all! As the one for whom you wish to cry, you are in pain or depression that person actually doesn't exist at all. It's someone else who is telling you, 'I can't be with you' ;  'I can't love you anymore' ;  ' I love someone else' ; 'You are not the person with whom I can spend my whole life.' Look you need to be practical here, it's not so hard that we believe it to be It's just like any other physical wound that we get in our body. We just have to brush it, clean it and with time this too will heal. But if we apply proper medicines the healing is faster and also there won't be any other infection. Here the medicine is our acceptance of two things, one that the person who left was just an idea, just a dream which turned to be virtual, and the other one that we need to love, care and respect ourselves. No one else in the world can think and care about ourselves as we do on our own.

O Dear, just remember one thing, those people for whom you mean nothing or those who show you moon one day and the other day snatches away even your own dreams are not the ones for whom you should give any worth.
It's okay to cry! It's okay to shed tears and release all the negativities that he/she has left for you but don't cry because you were abandoned.
Relax! Chill! Rejuvenate!
There is always a new day! Always the bright day after darkest of the nights. But don't forget that these nights too have importance in our life. It's the period when we rest and revive our energy. Similarly in the dark phase of our life we get to know about our own follies. Now no other person can make fool of you or use you in the way this person might have broken your heart lately.
It's okay to be broken. Remember that problems and dejections actually makes us stronger. We know better how to deal with them. But don't show even him or yourself that his absence mean anything to you .
There is always an another beginning. There are various other things within you to make yourself happy and ecstatic.
Search that and work for it.

Best wishes!
Now get an irreparable smile on your face that no one can break

Anupam Mishra

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