Wednesday 20 May 2020

A Story


A Story

It's no more different from any other story,
Where the protagonist longs for the glory,
Even in the adversties, eagers to be merry,
Here I'm to narrate the history from her diary.

The first page she had left blank in confusion
Thinking whether to disclose or hide her derision,
Finally took the decision to conceal but mention
As it would have created more pain than relaxation.

She started to state the rest with sheer conviction
Gathering every readers' and listeners' attention.
'A Lost Identity' was at the top as her introduction
From where she starts to share her perception.

"I believed I was the best, blessed with everything
That's required for an Indian girl for a luxurious living
Being the eldest I have got almost all the privilege
In the joint family with some sort of royal heritage.

Aspiring to be at the pinnacle through all the obstacles
I considered that all my dreams will become real
As I contemplated myself as a god gifted child special
Mixing every reality with what actually was virtual.

Neither my parents nor teachers could tame me
And I emerged out as a revolutionary individual
Seeking spiritualism in various sort of animals
I lost faith in the Almighty and His beloved humans.

It was not just because of any particular situation
But the cause was nothing but lack of motivation
That even provoked me to reach for the salvation
Without even fulfilling what was in my authorization.

How indigent I had been that I couldn't even see
Or listen to the reality that was so close to me!
With the help of the light burnt with the wisdom free
I started to live with strength, knowledge and dignity.

Today I can claim with the dissolved agitation
Along with my inner self filled with consideration,
Anyone like me can change the prepared presentation
With a ray of hope enlightened with internal inspiration."

Though I've seen her growing into a matured one
From the naive, ignorant girl to an ideal woman,
I know very well that there's still a lot hidden
Even from her own self, what's lying within.

© Anupam Mishra

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